Zhuo Zhang (张琢) 

College of Computer Science
National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)
Changsha, China, 410073.
Email: zhangzhuo@nudt.edu.cn; zhangzhuo202309@163.com
Github: zzhang-del
Phone/Wechat: 13583783343
(If you're interested in AI4S or medical image processing, feel free to reach out!)
[Google Scholar]


I am currently a Ph.D. student at the College of Computer, the National University of Defense Technology, supervised by Prof. Canqun Yang (Deputy Chief Designer of the Tianhe-2 project). I earned my M.S. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Tiangong University in December 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Yong Yang (Top 2% Scientist Worldwide) and Prof. Hua Bai.

My research interest includes AI4S and medical image processing.

Research Experience

I am also a joint doctoral student and R&D engineer at the National Supercomputing Center of Tianjin. Our team was honored with the title of National Outstanding Engineering Team on January 19, 2024.

Research Projects


Software Copyrights and Patents

Honors & Awards

2024/11/7 Update Zhuo Zhang